Vi oppdaterer systemet

Vi oppdaterer bookingsystemet vårt, og det vil ikke være mulig å gjennomføre bestillinger eller logge inn på Min side/i appen fra kl. 6.00 – 8.00. Vi beklager ulempen dette ev. medfører.

Åpent hele året!

365 dager med opplevelser.

Se åpningstider og priser


Information in english

Thank you for your interest in a summer job at Kristiansand Dyrepark AS. We would like to inform you of the following:

All our vacancies are posted at We only accept applications submitted through the application form connected to each vacancy. Please note that all our employees need to be fluent in Norwegian or other Scandinavian language in order to be able to communicate with our Norwegian guests.

Interviews are located in Kristiansand, Norway. If you do get a job at Dyreparken, it is necessary to attend our Service School which takes place one weekend in spring. It is mandatory to attend practical training at your assigned workplace approximately one week before you start the position. The training is in Norwegian.

We do not cover the costs you may have travelling to interviews or training. Neither do we able to provide living facilities. Kristiansand is a popular summer town, and it may be difficult and expensive to find and rent apartments or houses.

If you have any questions please contact